Created for Purpose: An Esther Study Journal
When life is good, it’s easy to maintain a happy disposition and a good attitude. But when life gets hard—and it does—how do you navigate adversity and disappointment without spiraling into fear and anxiety? How do you face the winds of trouble without being consumed by chaos and sinking into hopelessness?
The Book of Esther is a book of extremes. It’s the story of a powerful, often evil, king and a vulnerable Hebrew girl who experienced dramatic highs and devastating lows in one of the most dangerous settings imaginable. Reading Esther, we witness human trafficking, governmental conspiracy, violent punishment, and even the threat of genocide. But amid this turmoil, Esther was being pressed and refined—much like an olive is crushed to produce its precious oil. In the end, her experiences led to her transformation. Under unimaginable pressure, the oil of her anointing ultimately saved the life of every Jew in the kingdom of Persia—including Esther herself.
Through this study of Esther, you will learn how to:
- Activate your trust
- Embrace your assignment
- Find your voice
- Walk in victory
Whatever your season of life, let God speak to you through Esther’s story. Just like her, you have also been fashioned by God, uniquely designed, and created for a purpose
About the Author
Nonda Houston is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and the newly appointed national Women’s Director. She has been married to her husband, Gordon, for thirty- nine years. They served as lead pastors in San Jacinto, CA, for twenty-two years and at the SoCal Network for fourteen years. She loves family time with her four married children and being “Nonnie” to her eight grandchildren. Nonda is passionate about encouraging, inspiring, and equipping women to know Jesus and make Him known.